Resumo em Inglês
Tanise Dias FreitasDoutora em Sociologia pela UFRGS; Pesquisadora DOCFIX no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da UNISCCidonea Machado DepontiDoutora em Desenvolvimento Rural pela UFRGS-RS; Pesquisadora e Professora Adjunta do Programa em Desenvolvimento Regional da UNISC; Editora da Revista RedesRurality and the Urban: theoretical reflections for understanding Regional Development
If the territory is the place of convergence between rural and urban space, then regional development could be understood as a process of valuing the economic, social, environmental and cultural potential of the territory. This thematic complexity was part of the first studies in Brazil on the new rural, a new way of perceiving spaces beyond the rural versus urban dichotomy or a natural and continuum process. This paper aims to resume the theoretical discussions that still support the debates on territorial development. Studies on New Ruralities are resumed, through Rural Sociology, Economics and Regional Development to reflect on the current theoretical and analytical perspectives for studies in the interior regions. It can be described as a result of this study that the difficulties in operationalizing concepts and, consequently, indicators that allow understanding and analyzing these regions in a broad and comparative way still persist.
Resumo em Português - Texto
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