Resumo em Inglês

Thiago José Arruda de Oliveira
Doutor em Desenvolvimento Regional e Agronegócio, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE). Pós-doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional, Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT).

Moacir Piffer
Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação de Desenvolvimento Regional e Agronegócio da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus Toledo.

Brazilian Northern Center Regional Development: An Approach Based on Douglass Norths Theory

This reserach analyzes the ability of the municipalities in the Northern Center to employ capital inputs and to continue transforming its economic basis. In order to observe the performance of its inclusive institutions, mecanisms which create technological innovations perpetuate the process of regional economic development, this research apllied the FIRJAM Human Development Index between 2000 and 2015. The input of capital initiated in the 1970s improved the performance of the observed municipalities. Specifically well distinctive infraestructure in Tocantins, the southeaste of Pará and the microrregion of Imperatriz in Maranhão enabled internal savings and will boost development of it ecnomic basis in the next years.

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