Resumo em Inglês

Carolina Simões Galvanese
Doutoranda em Planejamento e Gestão do Território pela Universidade Federal do ABC. Temas de interesse: planejamento territorial e desenvolvimento regional, conflitos ambientais, instituições, participação e políticas públicas. Atua na região do Vale do Ribeira-SP, em questões relacionadas à organização rural, à agricultura familiar e ao cooperativismo.

Reduction strategies and instruments of regional inequalities: a brief survey of regional policies in motion in the last decade

Regional inequalities were, for a long time, object of public initiatives that aimed at solving them. Yet, international debates, in the last few years, indicate a change in focus of regional policies, from a strategy of support for backward regions to a strategy of increase the economic competitiveness of advanced regions in global markets. This work presents a preliminary literature research on ongoing policies to comprehend in which measure, among a wide range of possibilities, this change in orientation of public interventions has been going on in different countries, and which are the its limits in face of the recent deepening of regional inequalities that can be observed in most of cases.

Resumo em Português - Texto

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