Resumo em Inglês

João Gomes da Silva
Mestrando em Demografia (UFRN) e Pesquisador do Observatório das Migrações no Estado do Ceará.

Silvana Nunes de Queiroz
Professora do Departamento de Economia da Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA), Dra. em Demografia, Coordenadora do Observatório das Migrações no Estado do Ceará.

Interstate Migration for the Cariri Metropolitan Area

The studies about the migratory dynamics of Cearas population are incipient in Brazilian literature, especially when it refers to the flow to the Metropolitan Area of Cariri (RMC) located in the south of Ceará state. From this point, this work aims to analyze the interstate migration to the RMC, through two categories of analysis: return migrants and non-natural migrants. Thus, it was made the use of microdata sample of the 2010 Population Census. The results show that, in most cases, the returnees and unnatural immigrants are coming from São Paulo and Pernambuco states, and were destined especially to the cities of Juazeiro, Crato and Barbalha. This result, in part, is due to employment opportunities in various sectors of economic activity, infrastructure presence, and universities in the cities that make up the CRAJUBAR triangle (Crato, Juazeiro and Barbalha) a conurbation area, which makes it an attractive location in the RMC.

Resumo em Português - Texto

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