Resumo em Inglês
Ivaldo LimaDoutor em Geografia Humana pela Universidade Federal Fluminense/UFF, pós-doutoramento em Geografia Humana pela Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona /UAB. Professor do Departamento de Geografia/UFF, docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ordenamento Territorial e Ambiental. Coordenador do ETHOS/CNPq – Grupo de Estudos em Geografia Política, ÉticaIn favour of Territorial Justice: the encounter between geography and ethics
In this essay, the theoretical-conceptual scope and the spectrum of practical applications of territorial justice are explored, in order to clarify the role played by ethical values in the process of social production of space. Within this framework, territorial justice is conceived as the socio-spatial situation in which the vectors that promote oppressive spaces are effectively combated and eliminated or, ideally, do not exist. Thus, the argument is structured in three parts. First, the foundations and horizons of ethics are briefly presented, as well as reflections on the ethical status of the Others ontological category. Next, the most comprehensive relationship between ethics and geography is addressed, accompanied by a specific reason about territorial justice. In the last part, applications of territorial justice to socio-spatial contexts are exemplified, especially those have been discussed in our work of the last ten years on the political geography of the city.
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