Resumo em Inglês

Elson Luciano Silva Pires
Professor Titular do Departamento de Planejamento Territorial e Geoprocessamento do Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP, Campus Rio Claro).

The Modalities of Territorial Governance in the State of São Paulo: Institutional Specifics, Public Policies and Development Logics

The aim is to characterize the operation of the modalities of territorial governance in force in the state of São Paulo, questioning if such spatial logics of collective organization are an innovative element in public policies, with the possibility of influencing the strategies for planning the sustainable, democratic and participative territorial development. The characterizations of these structures reveal their own institutional specifics and sectorial logics, which diversify the spatial coordination and favor the construction of new legitimacies for the decentralized public policies in Brazil. Despite significant institutional advances, such modes of governance still do not allow for the establishment of democratic forms of public administration, which challenge active citizenship and the political action of state and city governments. Therefore, we show that many governance modalities studied face big challenges, which requires that public administrations, economic agents and social actors organize themselves and increasingly participate in the processes of territorial constructions.

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