Resumo em Inglês

Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte
professora MS3.2 da Universidade Estadual de Campinas e Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia do Instituto de Geociências da Unicamp. As áreas de interesse são: Geografia das Relações Internacionais: Estado, Economia, Território e Integração Regional na América Latina; Geografia Regional; Geografia Econômica e Geografia Urbana

The territorial planning and the spatial dimension of development: some of the recent experiences in Brazil

This exploratory study aimed to contribute to the understanding of the spatial dimension of development in Brazil and political choices that affect the territory. Therefore, certain territorial based development planning initiatives were presented. Was exposed a brief review and characterization of PPAs (1996/1999-2012/015); PAC; PNDR; PTC and the PNLT. Surveys were made in diverse bibliographic sources and the paper was concludedwith a synthesis of advances and limitations of these initiatives, emphasizing that the incorporation of the territorial dimension in government initiatives contributes to the transparency of public administration, for it shows State action on specific points of the territory. Among the limits of territorial policies, it pointed out that it cannot be said that there is a national territorial economic development policy or territorial planning in Brazil, but political choices affecting the territory and that frequently there is an absence of transparent democratic evaluation regarding social demands on current initiatives.

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