Resumo em Inglês
Sergio Magno Carvalho de SouzaAnalista técnico-administrativo da Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Centro-Oeste, Chefe da Divisão de Espaços Prioritários e doutor em Geografia no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade de BrasíliaProductive restructuration and metropolization in the Integrated Region of Development of the Federal District (Ride-DF): relativizing the perspective of the depressed and dependent region.
The recent logics of the spatial production in the Integrated Region of Development of the Federal District (Ride-DF) have pointed to the occurrence of two principal processes, responsible for the emergency of new forms and functionalities: the Brasilia’s metropolization and the productive restructuration. In this way, this work aims to discuss the recent dynamics of productive restructuration and metropolization in the Ride-DF and the modifications that they have caused in the spatial relations between Brasilia, center of this region, and the counties that compose this space. The discussion and the results points to the emergency of an arc of counties integrated to the modern agricultural in the same time that others are integrated to the metropolitan logical, redefining the relations of polarization and the previously existing of a regional dependency, favoring the integration with distant spaces and the emergency of a most fragmented region.
Resumo em Português - Texto
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