Resumo em Inglês
Fausto MakishiProfessor no Instituto de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisJoão Paulo Cândia VeigaProfessor de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais da Universidade de São PauloLocal development of rural communities and their implications for public policy: Institutional arrangements and diversification of small farm
The need to build more robust alternative to the social, economic and environmental development has brought new dimensions to the formulation and implementation of public policies at different levels of governance. This article discussed the role of the state in these new forms of governance, here treated as institutional arrangements of local development policies and seeks to foster reflection on the sustainable integration of smallfarm production in value chains as mechanisms of economic growth and mitigation social inequalities. For this, hand launches an institutionalist approach to the subject, focusing on economic and social relations that determine the generation of income from the production rural.O article draws attention to the diversity of the smallfarm production base and family and aims to emphasize the qualitative aspects related to the source of income from the household.
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