Resumo em Inglês

Silvia Gorenstein
Pesquisadora do Instituto de Estudios Económicos y SocialesdelSur (IEES-CONICET), Pesquisadora convidada (visitante) do Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales (CEUR-CONICET), Professora Titular do Departamento de Economía da Universidad Nacional delSur.

Region of the Territory: a stylized analysis of approaches, debates and challenges of urban-regional development

The essay tries to understand the theoretical modifications related to the regional question, which changes according to the environment or historical, economic and political moments considered. Thus, there are analyzed the characteristic terms of this field of knowledge, specifically the increased use of "territory" instead of "region" in recent decades. Are discussed, yet, the approaches and successive ideas that come redefining them. Is emphasized, also, the regional perspective in Latin America and future challenges in the new world geopolitics, stressing some recommendations for the reformulation of strategies and policies.

Resumo em Português - Texto

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