Resumo em Inglês

Adriana Melo Alves
outora em Produção do Espaço Urbano, Rural e Regional (Geografia). Servidora pública federal da Carreira de Estado Especialista em Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental .

Structuring of markets and governmental action in the formation of the city network of the Brazilian Semi-Arid

This paper aims to investigate the way in which the network of Semi - Arid cities was delineated, as a process directly induced by regional policies of different trends, implemented in different historical phases, and considering the emerging dynamics of capital.It was observed that, throughout the different phases of planning, although there has been the paradigmatic transition from combating droughts to coexistence with semiaridism, which incorporated the discourse of sustainability, the efforts undertaken so far do not seem to have been sufficient to act towards productive integration or the network cities of Semi-Arid .

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