Resumo em Inglês

Vanessa Manfio
Doutorado pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) com período de doutorado sanduíche em Portugal na Universidade de Trás - Os - Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), e membro do Núcleo de Estudos Agrários NEAG-UFRGS.

Vinício Luís Pierozan
Mestre em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS

Or develop two territories of vinho no state of Rio Grande do Sul: uma discussão on o Vale dos Vinhedos e a Campanha Gaúcha

The viticulture in the state of the Rio Grande Do Sul meets in growth and expansion, in last the 20 years it practically has doubled the area of hectares (ha) cultivated and amount (t) of produced grape. The wines, in turn, had conquered hundreds of international prizes for its quality, had become recognized, had gained prestige and started to have a bigger space in the Wine Lists of famous restaurants, beyond obtaining, each time more participation in the competitive international market. In the mat of this advance of the vitiviniculture sector new producing areas had also appeared of grape and wine in the state. This article intends to argue the territorial development of the vitiviniculture in two sufficiently particular and distinct territories between itself in the Rio Grande Do Sul, the Vale dos Vinhedos, traditional and already consecrated vitiviniculture´s pole region and the emergent Campanha Gaúcha, that appears and already has known as a new vitiviniculture territory come back toward fine wines. The study if it occupied in analyzing the development of the vitiviniculture territories of the Vale dos Vinhedos and the Campanha Gaúcha from the actions directed to the associativism, wine tourism and geographic indications (IGs). The research has qualitative character and descriptive, it was based on the bibliographical analysis. Thus, it is concluded that the territorial development of the vitiviniculture gets growth, valuation of the wines and mainly provides the increase of the wine tourism from actions based on the associativismo and with the certification of the IGs.

Resumo em Português - Texto

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