Resumo em Inglês
José Firmino de Sousa FilhoPesquisador do Centro de Integração de Dados e Conhecimentos para a Saúde (CIDACS-Fio Cruz, BA); mestre em economia da UFBAKECIA CRISTINA MIRANDA DA SILVAPesquisadora do Programa de Economia da Saúde (PECS-UFBa), .Mestre em Economia pela UFBAEdna da Silva FonsecaMestre em Economia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe Fernanda Oliveira Caires e CairesDoutoranda em Economia na UFBA,. Mestre em Economia Regional e Políticas Públicas daUniversidade Estadual de Santa CruzSectoral analysis of labor factor productivity in Bahia from the 2000s
The main objective of this research is to carry out a descriptive investigation of the evolution of labor factor productivity in the State of Bahia from the perspective of the sectoral value-added structure in the employed population and compare it with the growing trend of the state per capita GDP rate. Therefore, a study of the dynamics of the labor market from the 21st century was conducted, contextualizing the Brazilian economic conjuncture and its impacts at the state level. Structural changes in employment in Bahia followed the historical trend of migration in the agricultural, industrial and services sectors. However, what was observed overtime was an increase in the productivity of the agricultural sector; In industry, productivity gains have stagnated and the service sector has the lowest productivity rate. Thus, the research sought to provide subsidies for the discussion and planning of productive growth strategies for Bahia.
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