Resumo em Inglês

Wesley da Silva Medeiros
Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento Urbano e Regional do IPPUR/UFRJ

Regional peripheries in the context of combating poverty

Taking the Rural Territories Program and the Citizenship Territories Program of Brazilian Federal Government in the first decade of the new century as empirical references, this essay aims to identify theoretical and political contents of their interventions while combating extreme poverty within the states of the federation. For this reason, the analysis begins with a preliminary treatment of the concept of regional peripheries, to then resume the present reflection on the notion of “territories with poverty” (territorial scale) and the analysis category “poverty territories” (a concept of mediation of the poor and their living space). In the end, the approach brings a multiplicity of ideas relating the subordination of the territory to the concept of poverty to outline a path of research on the representations of the phenomenon of poverty in the 2000s based on policies, plans and programs officially implemented in territories with extreme poverty, geographically isolated and neglected by state and government policies.

Resumo em Português - Texto

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