Resumo em Inglês

Victor Gabriel de Souza Lima Alencar
Mestrando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia - IGC/UFMG

Gabriel Mattos Ornelas
Graduado em Gestão Pública, Mestrando em Ciência Política e Pesquisador no AUÊ! - Estudos em Agricultura Urbana na UFMG.

Heloisa Soares de Moura Costa
Doutorado em Demografia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Professora Titular do Departamento de Geografia, Instituto de Geociências da UFMG

To plan to feed the metroplis: the inclusion of agriculture and agroecology in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte planning

By characterizing the elaborated proposals and the connections built between environmental, urban and food and nutritional security issues, this article investigates the innovation related to the incorporation of the themes of agriculture and agroecology in the planning of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (RMBH). Intends to contribute to a better knowledge of agricultural production in the metropolises which, connected with the environmental justice and the cultural dimension, presents itself as a socioeconomic alternative aligned with notions of sustainability. Faced with the challenges of metropolitan management - dynamics and specificities of socio-environmental conflicts and impacts of federalism - and some complexities, complementarities and conflicts regarding the dichotomy between rural and urban, the article seeks to show the need for an articulated set of measures and interinstitutional action strategies by coordination and federative cooperation and civil society´s participation that might strengthen, based on agroecology, the planning and territorial policies.

Resumo em Português - Texto

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