Resumo em Inglês

Gabriel do Carmo Lacerda
Doutorando em Economia no Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional - Cedeplar/UFMG

The spatiality of Chinese demand in Minas Gerais

This article discusses the spatial impacts of Chinese demand in Minas Gerais. The economic consequences and the spaces created to meet the growing Chinese appetite for commodities, whether minerals or agricultural, will be highlighted. The focus will be on the notes of the main exporting municipalities and the infrastructure linked to exports. In particular, it will be the agricultural sector, usually hidden by the weight of the state mineral sector. In this sense, the repercussions in the territory will be highlighted, more specifically, in the mesoregions of the Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba and in the Northwest of Minas; spaces in which the expansion of the planted area, productivity and the provision of logistics infrastructure for the flow of agricultural products can be seen. Finally, these impacts and their contradictions for growth and development are briefly summarized.

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