Resumo em Inglês
Larissa Carneiro RangelProfessora do Instituto Federal Fluminense, onde leciona no curso técnico em Edificações, e doutoranda em Modelagem e Tecnologia para Meio Ambiente Aplicadas em Recursos Hídricos também pelo Instituto Federal Fluminense.Jader Lugon Junior Doutorado no Instituto Politécnico da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Professor Titular do Instituto Federal FluminenseAntônio José da Silva Neto Ph.D. em Engenharia Mecânica (North Carolina State University, 1993). Professor no Instituto Politécnico da Universidade do Estado do Rio de JaneiroUrban planning and management instruments for flood mitigation: Case study of Rio de Janeiro cities along the Muriaé river
Environmental disasters, such as floods, can cause material disruption and human lives, becoming a challenge for the population and public managers. Integrating city planning and development with environmental aspects becomes fundamental, especially considering the context of the climate emergency. In this sense, thinking about flood mitigation strategies within the scope of sustainable development, such as sustainable drainage techniques, recovery of degraded areas and requalification of watercourses, has been a way to avoid, neutralize or reduce the problem. This work aims to investigate the legal instruments for planning and managing the use of land and water resources, as well as discussing the challenges and strategies for coping with flood mitigation, with a case study of Rio de Janeiro cities along the Muriaé river. The case of the study region reaffirms the need to review legislation, mainly regarding the preservation and restoration of areas of native vegetation.
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