Resumo em Inglês
Jorge Hernandez Prof. da Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Doutorado em Economia, mestrado na Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona em Economia Urbana y RegionalJorgelina GiayettoLicenciatura en Economía na UNRCURBAN PATHS AND TERRITORIAL PRODUCTION SYSTEMS IN THE PROVINCE OF CORDOBA (ARGENTINA)
From conceiving the territory as a constructed, dynamic and conflictive social space where coexist modernizing impulses and past legacies, the article attempts to understand how the population has occupied the territory of the province of Cordoba (Argentina), the conditions of life and work of its people and the relationships established with their production environments, here called Territorial Productive Systems. A remarkable dynamics is reflected in the use of the territory adapting to different development strategies -according to changes in the international division of labor- and to the potentialities and the limits imposed by the endowments of tangible and intangible resources of each territory.
Resumo em Português - Texto
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