Resumo em Inglês

Gabriel Costa Ribeiro
Mestrando em Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociedade, Ambiente e Território (UFMG/Unimontes).

Expansion of the mining boundary: strategies of land-grabbing for the implantation of a pipeline in the municipality of Ferros, Minas Gerais

This article aims to understand the modus operandi used by the holding Manabi SA in the course of the environmental licensing of mining complex planned for iron ore mining based in the City of Morro do Pilar, State of Minas Gerais. The article has the objective trading strategies used for the viability of the project , since the decisive participation of influential individuals in domestic and international corporate setting up local shares used as prepaid transactions land grab. It supports the hypothesis that the corporate arrangement of the company is designed in the best way meet the demands required by the licensing agencies, also making it easier for the territories of interest in a business management model in which prevails the use of certain corporate standards spread from the emergence of a neoextractivism paradigm in the last twelve years .

Resumo em Português - Texto

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