Resumo em Inglês

Ageane Alves Ramos
Mestre em Geografia pelo Programa Pós-Graduação em Geografia/PPGEOG da Universidade Federal do Amazonas/UFAM. Professora da Rede Municipal de Educação de Manaus/SEMED.

Fredson Bernardino Araújo da Silva
Doutorando em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Marcos Castro de Lima
Doutor em Geografia Humana pela Universidade de São Paulo, professor do Departamento de Geografia e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas-UFAM.

Segregation and socio-spatial differentiation in Manaus (AM): socio-spatial inequalities in the Amazon metropolis

The objective is to identify socio-spatial inequalities in the context of housing in two locations crossed by rivers with bridges in parts of the communities of Bairro da União and other sectors of the Parque Dez de Novembro neighborhood and the bordering stretch of the Japiim and Distrito Industrial I neighborhoods. if from cartographic material and secondary data from the IBGE Census, field validation and interpretation in light of socio-spatial segregation and differentiation. There is an infrastructural and symbolic differentiation between the sectors of the same topographic cut, which is accentuated in a socio-spatial segregation. There is a tendency towards precariousness towards the valley floor and close to the rivers. It is noted the emergence of health issues signaled by the deficient capillarity of sanitary sewage. Weaknesses are pointed out in the criteria for delimiting the census sectors for a better regionalization of spatial data.

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