Resumo em Inglês

Boanerges de Freitas Barreto Filho
Professor do Departamento de Economia da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte em Pau dos Ferros/RN, Mestre em em Planejamento e Dinâmicas Territoriais no Semiárido.

The different features of poverty from the approaches of survival, basic needs and relative deprivation

The concept of poverty is wrapped in ambiguities due to the complexity of the phenomenon. The paper proposes to systematize the theoretical contributions about the evolution of the concept of poverty. Chronological division was adopted in three phases: a) the first in which the survival approach predominated; b) the second in which the studies with the focus on basic needs and; c) the third with the studies on poverty from the approach of relative deprivation, highlighting the contributions of Amartya Sen. It is concluded that the fruitful debate about the concept of poverty was not able to overcome the issue related to arbitrary character in the options presented, although it is evident the theoretical advances in order to broaden the understanding about the multidimensionality of the phenomenon.

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