Resumo em Inglês

Francisco Fernando Pinheiro Leite
Mestrando em Planejamento e Dinâmicas Territoriais no Semiárido pela Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte.

Larissa da Silva Ferreira Alves
Doutora em Geografia; Professora do Departamento de Geografia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Dinâmicas Territoriais no Semiárido (PLANDITES) da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN).

Social assistance in Brazil in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a documentation of assistance actions and Temporary Emergency Aid (AET)

This article aims to document a trajectory of specific social assistance actions in Brazil that were induced by the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as by distancing measures aimed at controlling the spread of the disease. Given the context of the pandemic, some historical milestones of income transfer programs and other main services will be identified, as well as the main characteristics of Temporary Emergency Aid (AET) as the main strategy of the federal government to combat the socioeconomic effects of the pandemic. Through a bibliographic research in articles published in scientific journals in Brazil and documents from government agencies, it was possible to observe problems of a certain disorganization of actions that social policies traditionally face and that worsen in times of crisis such as the current one.

Resumo em Português - Texto

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