Resumo em Inglês

Markus Erwin Brose
Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade de Osnabrück/Alemanha, Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da UNISC

Great projects according to Hirschman: Learning from three highways and multilateral banks

Big development projects make big impacts. New roads in the Atlantic Forest or the Amazon Forest traditionally foment public land grabbing, migration that displaces the local population and deforestation for the establishment of livestock. These negative externalities are known and can be conceptualized as Planned Neglect. However, the bibliography registers exceptions, roads without serious impacts. Situated within the scope of the debate about the criteria for measuring the success of development projects proposed by Albert Hirschman, this essay seeks to contribute to the debate on the question: Who defines the success of a development project? Three cases of road construction in Brazil are recorded in which civil society was successful in mitigating negative externalities, according to a narrative by local leaders and environmental organizations, confirmed by organizations external to the territory. Among the conclusions, he arrives at the proposition that the quantification of delays and overpricing of these works enables a proxy for the pricing of externalities.

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