Resumo em Inglês

Paulo Roberto Armanini Tagliani
Doutor em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais, Professor da FURG, vinculado ao Instituto de Oceanografia.

The strategic environmental assessment in the transition to sustainability: the case of the Camaquã River basin – Pampa Biome

The southern half of Rio Grande do Sul has been the new frontier of state development, with the expansion of agriculture, forests, wind farms, charcoal thermoelectric projects, small hydroelectric, and large mining enterprises. Situated in this region, the Camaquã River basin is the one with the best environmental quality in the state. However, sectoral projects planned for this basin lack a systemic and integrated view, constitute a threat to their biodiversity, its landscape and culture, and has been a source of social conflicts between government sectors, private sector, researchers, environmentalists, peoples and traditional communities. This situation denotes the need for strategic environmental evaluation, in order to build a sustainable vision of the future, capable of harmonizing social, environmental, institutional, political and economic goals. This article has the purpose of contributing to this regard.

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