Resumo em Inglês
Rita de Cássia Gonçalo AlvesSocióloga, Doutoranda em Planejamento Urbano e Regional pelo IPPUR/UFRJ, Mestra em Comunicação Social pela PUC-Rio. Tem experiência nas áreas de sociologia urbana e comunicação socioambiental. Desenvolve pesquisas sobre Religião e Cidade, com foco nos megatemplos evangélicos urbanos e suas interseções nos campos da ética, estética e política nas cidades.Intersectionality in planning: building a city that is friendly with and for women
In this text, I seek to address the contributions of feminist and intersectional theories to the discussion of living in cities from the perspective of womens experience. Using references from the critique of hegemonic feminism and the production of a Brazilian black feminism, I interpret how the thinkers produce a reading of the feminist discourses of the 20th century that allow us to perceive the contradictions present in the production of cities, from relations crossed by the structure of inherent inequalities to capitalism, to the patriarchal system and to racism – which they translate into biases of intersectionality. The analysis undertaken from this theory reveals that the modes of use, occupation and perception of cities have different and not equal distributions. The text systematizes some of these demands for greater attention in the search for planning with justice and combating inequalities. I propose that it is necessary for planning to discuss projects that enable the implementation of instruments that enable a more equitable and user-friendly use by women, and that urban policies become more sensitive to womens voices, with their particularities and experiences in their different ways of appropriating and inhabiting the city.
Resumo em Português - Texto
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